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Play Against the Annoying Champions of the League of Legends

Play Against the Annoying Champions of the League of Legends

Are you tired of playing agains the most annoying champions in the game? Here is something that might help you out!
March 03, 2023

Play Against the Annoying Champions of the League of Legends

In League of Legends, playing with the strongest champions will always offer fun, if you want to experiment and add more fun and twist; you can try playing against the most annoying champions.

With more than 125 champions in League of Legends to choose from, you can experience a significant frustration. Why not frustrate yourself too much, where you can just have fun the entire game.

So, if you are ready to experience more fun and excitement, make sure that you have the top list. Below is the list of most annoying champions in League of Legends.

YASUO – The Unforgiven

What makes Yasuo a total annoying champion? In fact, he can be annoying even if he is not part of your team.

Yasuo can effectively counter many of the plays. This what makes this champion annoying to play against.

When catching Yasuo? Well, your jungler requires to time his gank so that no minions are involved In dashing him away. Remember, there is no jungle to place that much into the gank during the solo queue games.

ZED – The Master of Shadows

Zed serves to be a perfect example of an Assassin. He can jump beneath the enemy tower, blow up the squishy attack and pop back into his shadow.

It can be easy for you to counter Zed, but this will not stop you get irritated from him. If he successfully gets some skills, he will start to dominate. He can easily escape from the ganks without any hint of an issue because he got no mana. Also, he can effortlessly turn into a shadow whenever your Jungler start to show his face.

SORAKA – The Starchild

Through Soraka, it becomes impossible for you to trade with the enemy’s marksman. Even you successfully counter the marksman during the trade, Soraka can make them go back with full health as if nothing happened. Meaning, you lose the trade you try to damage and turn your lane into a farming lane.

SINGED – The Mad Chemist

One of the main reasons why plating against with Singed is pretty annoying is that he can effectively zone the champions through his poison trail. As a result, it can make you almost impossible to farm.

Furthermore, Singed can also stack health making it hard for you to kill him. Then, he will continue to farm the entire game and gets stronger until he becomes a goldlike tank.

So, are you going to play against with these champions or make them part of your team?
